My sister as been to bali 3 times and sh...
I have seen people sky dive and it looks...
I would like to get married
Heaps of people are famous , so I want t...
I always love running and playing sports
I would love to learn another language
Just want to leave school
Buy a car so I can drive everywhere
Always wanted to go to the olympics
I would like to buy a good comfy house
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Before I die I want to...
Go To Bali.
My sister as been to bali 3 times and sh...
Be Brave Enough To Go Sky Diving
I have seen people sky dive and it looks...
Fall In Love And Get Married.
I would like to get married
Be Famous For Something.
Heaps of people are famous , so I want t...
Be A Athlete
I always love running and playing sports
Learn To Speak Another Language
I would love to learn another language
Leave School
Just want to leave school
Buy A Car
Buy a car so I can drive everywhere
Go To Olympics
Always wanted to go to the olympics
Buy A House
I would like to buy a good comfy house