Before I die I want to...
Run A Marathon

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2135 buckaroos have listed 'Run A Marathon' as one of their life goals:

I would like to run a marathon, because I think it must be rewarding reach the end and feel like you have succeeded and surpassed your limits.


I would like to make Run a Marathon, because I Think Would do well in this challenge


I want to run a marathon and complete it.


Chạy marathon thực sự tăng cường sự kiên trì, bền bỉ và vượt lên chính mình rất lớn. Tôi cảm nhận được sức mạnh và cảm hứng từ việc chạy bộ. Nên tôi không thể bỏ qua bộ môn tuyệt vời này. Tôi đang duy trì việc chạy mỗi ngày và tôi sẽ tham gia những cuộc thi chạy giải marathon.


I completed Cleveland and Eugene. 3:49. I'd like to do Boston one day if I'm not in too much pain


just wanting to run more and achieve something with it, ultimately


I want to improve my overall fitness to the point where i can run a marathon


I didn't get to run in 2020 because of covid. I'm not sure I actually ever want to train for one again but I'm also not sure I want to delete it from my list!


Our ancestors were concerned with survival, not competing, which is why we are programmed to back off when we become excessively fatigued or in pain during a race. Our brain acts as a central governor with a safety circuit to protect us from any long-term harm. However, we can extend the boundary of our circuitry over time and override the switch in the short-term to achieve a breakthrough race. The notion is repeatedly illustrated by racers who say they are “completely dead” and unable to go faster during the late stages of a race but are able to override their circuitry to muster a finishing kick when the finish line is in sight. By understanding how the brain works and why we are receiving certain signals throughout a run or race, you can develop the ability to quash your instincts. Adapting to resist mental fatigue as much as physical fatigue is crucial. Nearly everyone has similar pain thresholds, but upping pain tolerance is the key to achieving the next level, as described in the book "Endure" by Alex Hutchinson.


I started running this summer and I find it to be so much fun! I would like to challenge myself by running a marathon, preferrably abroad when possible again. I might start with a half-marathon, but the goal is a full one.


Pushing my limits, to prove to myself I can be and do more than I think.


it is something I have always wanted to do. I am just not very good at running.


Shouldn't have put it in the goals


I want to finish a full marathon within a year.


Push my limits physically. Then a full!


Run a marathon before I turn 30


I want to run the Marine Corps Marathon in Washington DC before I graduate from USNA.


I have a bad knee (ITBS) that doesn't allow me to run for very long periods of time before it becomes to painful. I want to overcome this pain sometime and finally run a marathon.


I want to do something that is physically challenging


I want to run 26.2 miles before I'm 26.2 years old.


I ran a half a marathon when I was 17, Would love to run a full marathon before I am 30.


I want to show myself i can do it.


I saw forest Gump when I was a child


I saw forest Gump when I was a child


my dad bet me that I would never run the London marathon as a joke so I want to prove him wrong


This should get me up and running every morning...


Fitness Check. Run a Half marathon and try complete it.


i am not a very atletic person so as a personal dare i want to run a marathon


I am typically not a gifted runner and find it quite challenging. This would be my ultimate goal, a top of the apex achievement.


start with a 5k and see where it takes me but I definitely want to run at least one in my life


i have never been healthy and fit in my life but i want that to change. if i can run a marathon then i should be fit enough to get out there and experance life and not just watch it go by.


however long, but preferable short


This is a must. I have always had issues with my fitness, i am a smoker and i believe the moment i will be able to run a marathon i will be a better person. Both physical and psychical.


After many years barely moving finally began running again and met some people training for longer runs, and thought, 'me too'.


or even half would be ok with my knees...


Any marathon... Chicago, Boston etc.


I don't know why. I have a love/hate relationship with running but it's something I really feel inclined to do.


As I get healthier I want to be able to do this physically.


Started running again at age 23 and needed a goal to aim for so decided on the New York City marathon


Marathons aren't only a race, it's a beautiful way to clear your mind, most of the people think that its main positive effect is to keep you healthy in a sustainable way but the biggest positive effect is actually to show you what is important in your life


I have enjoyed running since as early as I can remember so running a marathon was my ultimate running goal in life


5k race for life this year inspired me to get fit from a dormant state


I watch the London marathon every year and always say "one day"


The love for running and to push myself


If I could do this, that'd be great.


I've never ran a marathon before.


I want to compete in an official Marathon and finish within the allotted time.


Getting healthy, and my best friend is a runner


To become more active and healthy


I'd like to find a cause that means a lot to me, and run for it. Even if I didn't necessarily 'RUN' a marathon, but participated in one- I'd be incredibly happy.
