Before I die I want to...
Make A Difference In At Least One Person’S Life.

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263 buckaroos have listed 'Make A Difference In At Least One Person’S Life.' as one of their life goals:

Hạnh phúc khi giúp ai đó nhận ra được cuộc sống này có rất nhiều điều tuyệt vời. Tôi mong muốn giúp đỡ hàng triệu người thay đổi cuộc sống. Vì chúng ta có cuộc sống tốt đẹp hơn


Help someone in need, and change their perspective or life.


I have already saved someone, but many more people need help.


I want to be that change comeone else needs.


I wanted to be a blessing to others. I am not perfect, I am not generous but I am yet to find in myself on how to make an "impact" to somebody else's life. I don't know how. I have to figure it out


If this is the only thing I mark off of this list, I'll be content.


a little change in your life could make a MASSIVE difference to someone else's.


This will be a VERY fulfilling part of my list.. if ever..
