My quest to success

Finding that dream job is never easy. There are a lot of bumps and cracks before even finally getting it. But, I'm not the type who'll surrender I know somehow there is that gold in the end of the tunnel....
Of course there are moments that you ask and question yourself am I doing the right thing? Or is there something wrong? Why can't you be like others who's been doing so well now in their lives....
But, you know somehow I seem to find the answer on my own in God's time God's time...
But of course you couldn't just leave everything to him, you got to do your work and whatever the result is remember God has a reason for it....
Lately in my almost five years of quest in finding that perfect job and perfect company it's been quite hard though tracing everything back God has been really good to me cause little by little he prepares me for my dream career......
Now, that God made me see where I should be I am continuing that journey of finding that job, my dream job. And I won't stop no matter what there is no stoping me....I know what I can and where I should be and I'll fight for my dream.....
