The Beginning For Me

I'm a planner and organizer and saver by nature. But I have five kids and a husband, so for me this is a more frustrating task then anything else, lol. But at least I try. The problem this causes is stress and unnecessary worry. But lately life has made insane changes for us. It seems every year for the past year we have had to move to smaller spaces where we are constantly on top of one another, with no space to just live. So today is a new day where I will start to change my outlook. I started with a cup of coffee and got up early even though I wanted to sleep in. I think I want to experience more of my day by sleeping in less and being lazy less. I need more fresh air and less inside time. But to start my day unfortunatly I have laundry to do... It makes me wonder what i could do today that I would not normally do.... Maybe i could just sit outside enjoy the sunshine and chilly weather for a bit while the kids play outside... I just need to revamp my days to be more then what they are....
