Wishes Bucket LOGS

Lupus Warrior

Posted by MCeiliMCeili

I am going on year three of my Lupus journey. There are just a few things that I would love to see and do, before this illness makes it do difficult or impossible to do so. Quite a few could be done at the same time. Especially since it doesn't matter to me the size of the parade that I am in. Or where the hotel filled with stuffed ...

The Ulitimate Dream

Posted by lovemusic158lovemusic158

When I was younger, I remember getting asked what I wanted to be when i grow up. Most kids answered doctor, teacher, athlete, rock star. But not me. I remember answering that i wanted to be a Queen. I didn't want to even be a princess, I thought they were over rated. I got a little bit older and realized that it would be very unlikely to ever become a ...

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