BucketList Buckaroo |
Angie's Bucket List

Before I die I want to...
Win Money In A Casino

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The first time I won, I was 20. It was my birthday and my parents took Jiggs and I to Windsor, Canada because it was legal to gamble at 20. I won $300 on an Elvis slot, but since it was also legal to drink, I gambled and drank most of it away. I've won hundreds here and there. Especially while gambling with Nathan and on Roulette. My fondest two memories are playing digital roulette in New York New York in Vegas and accidently pressing a number and trying to get someone to stop the bet, but then I won hahah. It was a couple hundred. I also won $60 in a Detroit Casino and promised myself I would buy a sparkly bracelet and us Five Guys if I did and it is one of my fondest memories gambling with Nathan. He always let me use his money and keep winnings too. It was a lot of fun. I still have the bracelet. Angie

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