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Richard Garcia's Bucket List

Before I die I want to...
Help Cool The Pacific Climate, With My Engineering Idea, Taken Seriously, Used By Congress Now

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I want to remain the only person aware of this solution, given the scale, how critical and motivating by the fact that all affordable to the U.S., costs in the billions would just be dismissed as insane by random people, but not as always by U.S. Congress. Just like England and the English Chunnel, China and the Three Gorges Dam, Finland's proposed underwater tunnel (UT) to Estonia, Japan's proposed UT to S Korea. Also, since I am 100% certain that I'm the only person who knows about this potential, revealing it to the general public could give novelists, etc ideas for new novels or movies. I don't want to give away free ideas. Anyways- I am a fan of geography, geology, meteorology and engineering. I am a visionary (unofficially). I also have a mental condition called the thought experiment. (Google search Thought Experiment Wikipedia) I can recognize immediate potential results/reactions after what-ifs. I am so familiar with a wide variety of physics. Not microscopic or chemistry, but on the visible scale. Basic. Good for construction for example. With my fascination, vision, ambition, hope and my ability to comprehend and visualize and finding ways, solutions, potentials, and my thought experiment, motivates me to find ideas. And use my knowledge from other similar examples/comparisons as hints or demonstrations for basic affects and results. All to find new ideas for the better, or for an amazing achievement. Such as a better climate, or the expansion of Ellis Island and outward expansion of New York City's and San Francisco's coast, Florida's Overseas Highway, Louisiana's Lake Pontchartrain Causeway, the Erie Canal, the Suez Canal, the Trans-Alaskan Pipeline and the Salton Sea. And making America bigger by buying more land. The Alaska Purchase, the Louisiana, the Florida, the Gadsden, the U.S. Virgin Islands... For absolutely affordable and profitable amounts. Even if the purchase amount is in the billions. I wish that it would continue, with Countries, foreign Territories/etc that are so poor, that it would be worth a try in case the other Country couldn't resist billions of dollars. Like Haiti, Mexico's Chiapas, Kosovo, and Western Sahara. The U.S. tried to buy Greenland, Cuba and even Siberia. I wish we had a State in western Europe. With these interests in national achievements, geography, geology, engineering, science and meteorology, my understanding and the thought experiment, I am 100% certain that I know a way that the climate in the Pacific region could be cooled. And I hope that I could satisfy the U.S. with my idea and they soon decide to begin the development. As busy as they are, I have never received a response. Richard Garcia

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