Before I die I want to...
Alabama - Noccalula Falls

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Only one buckaroo has listed 'Alabama - Noccalula Falls' as a life goal.

Interesting facts: *Noccalula falls are located in Gadsden, Alabama. The Noccalula falls were named after the princess in the famous story princess Noccalula. *The story is about a girl who committed suicide at one of the most famous landmarks of Alabama. The story revolves around, love, hatred, revenge and eventually a girl killing herself by jumping into these falls. She is marked with a bronze statue there. *Noccalula falls is located near the local park called the Noccalula Falls Park spread across 250 acres of land. Things to do: The park has extensive botanical garden. The height of the waterfall is 90 feet and if you are lucky you can observe a rainbow of colors in the mist at the bottom of Noccalula Falls. You can do nature sightseeing while camping, hiking and picnics can also be done in the public park there.
