Before I die I want to...
Visit Antarctica

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105 buckaroos have listed 'Visit Antarctica' as one of their life goals:

Love the untouched travel and animals. Would love to see before climate change takes an even further tole.


Antarctica is once such continent which is still unexplored. I want to get some first hand experience of flora & fauna of Anatartica, its ice age life and be there in solidarity


Its the most unique place in the world. A land mass of ice. The southern most part of the world. The extreme temperature.


I want to be able to visit the south pole. check one more continent of the list and see the real penguins


I'd love to run off with Sea Shepherd and save whales, but need to have a would love to see whales / penguins / icebergs in the Southern Ocean.


Hope to visit every continent at least once...
