Before I die I want to...
Climb Mount Everest

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180 buckaroos have listed 'Climb Mount Everest' as one of their life goals:

I've loved mountain climbing and this would be my ultimate climbing goal


I`ve always dreamed of climbing Mount Everest, but as a young girl it never seemed doable. I only now realized it`s possible if I really want it.


I have been climbing mountains since I was little. In 2021 I climbed Mt. Blanc, and in 2022 the Matterhorn. There are a lot of more mountains on my bucket list, but ultimately I dream of standing on the summit of Mt. Everest


That Feeling of being on top of the world.


because i think it could be cool if i reach the top


I want to climb mount everest I filled with joy and confidence whenever i think about it


Climb Mount Everest at least once in my life.


Its my life,Its my cup of tea,Inspired by myself


climb a mountain. the discovery channel inspired me.


It's crazy, but I realy want it


Don't really want to make it up top...just want to climb and camp 1/4th way up...or whatever's safe for a beginner.


since i was a little girl i have always wanted to travel to Spain, Scotland and Paris. I wanted to climb mount Everist and see the gorillas in the mist


A teacher came in to talk about her stressful climb up Mount Kilmanjaro. I want to overcome to the highest mountain in the world.


I know it would be really hard and I probably will never do it, but the thought of standing on top of the world is incredible, even when you just have a few minutes up there because of the air.


Everyone again has to do this for me charity is the way to go def gonna do this one day


"I admire you immensely. You are an inspiration to other blind people and plenty of folks who can see just fine." (Jon Krakauer, author of Into Thin Air)


Although I'm scared of heights I feel as if it would be amazing to do such a great thing that not many people can say that they have done :D


Read 'paths of glory' and am inspired by George Mallory.
