Before I die I want to...
Write And Publish A Book

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200 buckaroos have listed 'Write And Publish A Book' as one of their life goals:

I have published with livestrong, ehow, savasana, doyouyoga and newsletters for all of my places of employment. i know have my own website too and i hope one day i can use that to build a side business if I can


I like writing short stories and want to attempt a novel length one. At the same time, I do hope a publisher likes the story and wants to publish it for me. Otherwise, I can always self-publish but the goal here is to land a publisher.


To share my knowledge and inspire others.


I always loved to write and I want to publish a book of mine


i just want to do something new with my life :)


I want to bring people along on my adventure to do things everyone dreams of doing.


I would like to write and publish a book sometime in the future.


Siempre he considerado tener una vivida imaginacion, ademas de considerar que mi vida no ha sido del todo ordinaria. Razon por la cual me gustaria escribir un libro.


I love History and =======[ Have always thought of writing something. Worth giving a shot.


I have so many ideas for books so I KNOW this is something that will happen in the future! I want to write fantasy novels, lgbt friendly teen novels and illustrated childrens books.


I have always loved writing and want to share my stories with the world.


Someday, I'd like to compile enough of my poems and turn them into a book.


I've published before, but always as co-writer. I really want to establish myself as a writer myself.


I have always wanted to be a writer.


I want to write a comedic memoir.


I have always loved to write and I want to share my ideas and stories one day.


I want to let go of my inhibitions and write a book about overcoming obstacles.


I've always loved to write. I've written two or three, but never saw fit to publish (or attempt to publish) them.


Take time to write a book and see where it leads. Try to get published and continue it, if nothing comes of it leave it for my children.
