Before I die I want to...
Send A Message In A Bottle

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1465 buckaroos have listed 'Send A Message In A Bottle' as one of their life goals:

Why not try to find a message in a bottle, maybe from years ago


I'd like to do this. Of course, The Police song inspired this, as did age-old tradition and two classic love stories in my life. I think that if I sent one of these, I would send it to one of my lost loves. The beauty of this is that one can write anything and put it out there, never knowing where it will end up. It could be the beauty of connection in a lost world.


I've always wanted to send a message in a bottle. I would like to see it travel far, but even if it stayed around the coast of the UK I'll be happy


I would absolutely love to do this while I am visiting the ocean! How exciting


I have seen many movies and the idea of sending a message in the bottle seems to me like how I live my own life. Drifting waiting for myself to land and share my message of the life I had, and where I went from there.


I want to send a message in a bottle saying how beautiful the person is who finds it !


I want to bring people along on my adventure to do things everyone dreams of doing.


I love mysterious things. It has some sort of feeling that you can say anything about yourself or anything and someone may find it or no one will. That is intriguing.


I am inspired by Harold Hackett who has released 4,800 messages in bottles into the Atlantic Ocean. He provides his address and recieves letters from all over the world from the people who find the bottles on the shores of their country! This sounds like a fun way to make contact with people and possibly develop pen pals.


Send a message possibly from the lismore beach??


I want to send a message in a bottle!!


I feel like it would be cool like when i'm older and me and my kids wrote a letter and we watched it sail away in a little bottle and someone receiving it and we could right something memorable on it like "you're beautiful" or "you're amazing when your you" because everyone needs to hear/see that once in a while.


Send a message in a bottle so someone can find that message and be inspired by it.


Seems like an interesting idea...


Send a list of Life Lessons. I pray it will add to the life of anyone who finds it.


I love The Police! and how cool


I have included sending a message in a bottle because I have always thought it would be interesting to write a message and to see if it is ever received by someone.


I want to write a funny message in a bottle, and throw it into the river.


wouldn't that be awesome? I always wanted to do that


Always wanted to do this and see where my message ended up and who would find it.


Amazing to touch someone.. who knows when or where.. just fun!


Send a meaningful message in a bottle. In the 3 top languages of the world.


I want to send a message that sparks hope or passion or confidence


This may be a simple and easy thing to do. But, for me just knowing that my thoughts are floating somewhere and the mystery of if and when it will ever be open and by whom, is intriguing.


Sounds cool, I will do it one day...


Living on Lake Michigan, it would be awesome to see where the message ends up, assuming someone ever finds it.


would just cool to do and see if anyone responds


So cool, someone might actually receive it.


Still thinking of what the message should be.


Maybe I can get a penpal through this ?


send a message in bottle in the sea before my birthday and hope to get a reply back :D


I want to do this with my partner. Spreading the love and all!


Next time I am at the beach I want to throw a message in a bottle in the ocean and leave contact information in it asking to be contacted if found...


I once heard a story about a person who sent out a message in a bottle with their address and they ended up with a postcard from each place the bottle landed! I thought that it was really cool!


I want someone to see a message from me


i think this would e a perfect thing to send the one i love


a message in a bottle would be something else and it might make someone happy


Before I die I want to send a message in a bottle. They say when you send a message in a bottle, it will find a way of getting to the person written to. Hopefully i will have the chance of doing it.


I would want what I put in the bottle to be inspirational to whomever finds it.


to give someone a piece of advice anonymously.


Always thought that this was a cute idea :3


Just because it seems like a romantic thing to do!


hope to get a response some day...


so that one day someone will find it and it may make a difference in there lives


I will definitely write many prayer messages in a bottle to inspire those who will receive them.


I am very romantic, and the idea of a stranger finding my message and making a connection with me... is enchanting!


Nothing else it more excting than that, unless your the one to find it.


Sarah Arnold and I in 7th grade sent a message down the st. croix river stating who we were, where we lived, how old we were and why we put the message in the bottle. Someone found it in 2012 and called Sarah's mom and faxed us a copy of the letter and responded to it via email! very cool!


I have wanted to do this since I was a child!


simply stating, someone loves you
