Before I die I want to...
Run A Half Marathon

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425 buckaroos have listed 'Run A Half Marathon' as one of their life goals:

Just finish before time runs out !!


Run a half marathon for charity


Run A 5km, 10km and half marathon before Dec 2022


I want to have that level of fitness


to be able to run a half marathon (21 km) with a good time record


I want to run the BG3 to challenge myself.


I've never been good at long distance so I want to change that.


Run for charity in aid of Alzheimers research


Well that'd be the next step after the 5k and 10k :D


Ive done 5k, 10k...this is the next step up the ladder!


As a stepping stone to the goal of a marathon


Run 21km from start to finish.


A friend who encouraged me that anything's possible and I would have fun


I used to love running in high school. I want to be fit for life.


5k easy peasy DONE 2009, 2010, 2011 Next up 10K!


A desire to become dedicated to fitness


5k's are fun, and when my booty is in better shape, I would like a bigger challenge! :)


I'm working on this right now.. aiming for 3-4workouts per week
