Before I die I want to...
Go To Greece

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1024 buckaroos have listed 'Go To Greece' as one of their life goals:

Crete, Mykonos, Delos Island, Santorini, Athens and Corfu were the main ones we visited. Athens was so amazing. I loved Mykonos and Santorini, but Delos Island had the coolest little history and ruins.


I want to go to Greece by January 1st, 2050.


My lifelong dream is to travel the world.


Have wanted to visit Santorini, Greece


Cultural centre. Amazing seafood.


Would love to go there on an adventure with the one I love, would love to swim in the caves and visit my Aunt who lives there.


Try some new food learn about a different culture.


Would love to see the Pantheon and experience the real Greece too. Lots of greek and greek Cypriot friends.. love their food.


So I can get yelled at in a different language


I'm half Greek. I have relatives in Greece that I have never met before and I would love to visit the village where my father was born/lived as a child.


Cruise through the beautiful islands.


Want to see the beautiful country


An ancient place, what wouldn't be interesting?


Greece is simply beautiful. The history, the mytology... everything!


I love learning about the Greek culture. I definitely want to visit a temple.


makes plans to stay in the very legendary village of Oia, Santorini, Greece on the islands Thira and Therasia. Situated on an undulating, picturesque cliff near the islands of Fira and Thirassia, it offers stunning views of the Aegean Sea (most notably when the sun sets over it!) and the New Kameni volcano.


A comer feta, dolmades, pulpo y musaka...claro con Ouzo!


I'm mad about Greek mythology so have to go!!


I want to see the Greek Islands and sail on a yacht with all my rich friends.


See the Parthenon Santorini Acropolis


I've already been! And it's part of my world traveling dreams!
