Before I die I want to...
Visit Every Country In The World

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94 buckaroos have listed 'Visit Every Country In The World' as one of their life goals:

2 down, 4 to go (not counting Antarctica), Europe & Africa : check North and south America, Asia, Oceania


I want to see the world in all of its wonders and such


I like travelling so I want to visit every country in the world, now I am telling the truth I am a traveller thank you


Well, not all, but most of them That's the ultimate dream


my passion for travel and discover the world


I want to explore every culture and discover all the beauty of this world.


From A-Z, not necessarily in order!


Want to visit every country in the world. And stay at least once night.


I want to see everything from the harsh cold environments to the scorching hot deserts and everything inbertween and see what the people are like and document them via pictures.


I love travelling. I've always wanted to spend at least 2 months in each country of the world (except maybe hose like North Korea) before i die...i better start now


This has always been my dream - ever since I was a small child and was given my first 'Atlas of the World'. I used to pore over the pages and wonder what it would be like to be in all those exotic countries with strange sounding names!
