Before I die I want to...
Complete A Skydive

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119 buckaroos have listed 'Complete A Skydive ' as one of their life goals:

I wanna look down the earth and say "HERE I COME....!!!!!"


Its a feeling i want to experience


I want to experience this thrill, even though I have a slight fear of heights. I want to be able to go through the fear and conquer it and feel invincible.


I'm not really afraid of heights but to be 1000s of feet in the air jumping out of a plane is CRAZY. Many ppl have done it and I want to do it as well


The adrenaline my dad has done it


To do something that I am really scared about.


I have a fear of heights and doing this will help me face my fear and conquer it once and for all.


What made this go on my bucket list list is because videos of people doing it seems really really fun but yet so scary because the parachute might not come out and you could die


My adrenaline takes alot to get pumping, i know this challange would satisfy my need for exitement. I've had friends do this task but never done it myself.


on my 18th birthday, skydive with my sisters


The cliche, what everyone puts on these lists, I will complete this.


I would like to Skydive by myself


I have always dreamed of flying...skydiving would be the closest thing! :)
