Before I die I want to...
Go Scuba Diving

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2514 buckaroos have listed 'Go Scuba Diving' as one of their life goals:

I had never thought about going scuba diving until I met and fell in love with my ex-husband. We took a vacation to Cancun, Mexico in the Spring of 1994 and I went for my first and only dive! It was amazing....


that it's not necessarily dangerous


I want to go somewhere to find the most beautiful fishes and to watch them without glass as in a gallery. Maybe I'll do it this or next year in Thailand or Egypt


I have a deep fear of deep water. I’d love to at least do this once. I love sea life and would love to explore.


I want to face my fears and challenge myself.


I want to feel that rushhhh jhwehjfgjdfhkjlhdfskj


I want to go scuba diving as it seems both fun and entertaining. I heard many stories from my old man about his scuba diving adventures along with seeing the many treasures he and his friends obtained. I find myself wanting the same thing.


I love water and swimming and I would love to see the world in the ocean with my eyes.


two words that inspired me "SEEK DISCOMFORT"


পৃথিবীর ৩ ভাগ জল আর এক ভাগ স্থল। তাই যারা সাঁতার জানেন না বলে পানিতে নামতে পারেন না, তাদেরকে প্রায়ই মজা করে বলা হয়ে থাকে সেই অভাগাদের একজন, যাদের ষোলআনা জীবনের বারো আনাই বৃথা। যদিও এই কথাটি সেভাবে সত্য নয় বরং যারা স্কুবা ডাইভিং করেননি বা জানেন না, এ সম্পর্কে তথাপি সাগরতলের অতিপ্রাকৃত জগত দেখার সৌভাগ্য হয়নি তাদের ক্ষেত্রে এ উক্তিটি বেশি প্রযোজ্য। স্কুবা ডাইভিং একটি সম্পূর্ণ ভিন্ন ধারার অ্যাডভেঞ্চার, যা আপনাকে নিয়ে যাবে চিরচেনা এই পৃথিবীর অন্য এক অচেনা জগতে। আপনারা হয়তো মহাকাশে ভরশূন্য পরিবেশে নভোচারীদের ভেসে থাকা দেখেছেন, স্কুবা ডাইভিং পানির নিচে একই ধরনের অনুভূতি প্রদান করে। সবচেয়ে মজার কিংবা আক্ষেপের ব্যাপার হচ্ছে মহাশূন্য সমন্ধে মানুষের জ্ঞান অনেকদূর গড়ালেও সেই তুলনায় নিজেদের পৃথিবীতে পানির নিচের জগত সম্পর্কে ধারনা পারতপক্ষে শূন্যের কাছাকাছি। স্কুবা ডাইভিং বিষয়ক সবচেয়ে জনপ্রিয় একটি ইংরেজি উক্তি হচ্ছে; “Lands are already discovered, space is too far, let’s discover another universe under water”. যা যা দরকারঃ ১। স্কুবা ডাইভিং শেখা । ২। উত্তম দেশ হোলও অস্ট্রলিয়া । ৩। ইন্সট্রাক্টর এবং রেস্কিউ স্পেশালিষ্ট হায়ার করা । ৪। সাতার জানা ৫। সাগরের তলদেশএ আল্লার সৃষ্টি দেখা ।


I want to go scuba diving in Lakshadweep.


Scuba Diving seems like an amazing experience, definitely have to do it soon.


Through diving, I would be able to witness a side to the world that many of us never get to see.


If it’s not in the air it’s in the water! My best life experience so far was snorkelling in Egypt, I wanted to stay underwater forever! I’m guessing scuba-diving will be even better!


Gain qualifications and go scuba diving across the world.


Go Scuba Diving In Nha Trang or Phu Quoc Island - emerge myself to the love of nature and just like that !


Seeing all the people that goes for diving makes me so eager to do what they do. swimming with the nature are so beautiful.


Experience peace with aquatic life


I have gone snorkeling once before but never underwater scuba diving. I would love to do this in clear water near a reef to see hundreds of marine species and take photos!


self explanatory, maybe could do this whilst going to mexico ;p


I’ve always wanted to look underwater before!!


To Scuba Dive In The Great Barrier Reef


Go and watch all the creatures and have fun.


Somewhere with little to no sharks please LOL


Always something I wanted to do. Steve Erwin style!


I really enjoyed white water rafting more than I expected. I really love being by the sea, in the sea, floating in a swimming pool etc so I just really want to experience scuba diving even though it scares me I think it'll be cool to try. It would be great to try it together with Krystal!


I want to go scuba diving. I've always thought it was something that would be cool to do.


Linda loves the idea so that's good enough for me


I went on a cruise last year and we were suppose to go to cococay but it was to high if waves to tender in. I was gonna go snorkeling there. I was very upset so I made a point to put it on my bucket list to do it someday.


Even tho I'm scared of sharks I think it would be such an amazing experience to see what the underwater world is like! It's always amazed me to see turtles and colorful fish.


I've jumped out of an airplane, so why not jump out of a boat? Plus it would be cool to see where the fish live


To be at one with the fish and water whilst facing a fear of being closed in!


Always wanted to see exotic fish in their natural habitat.


Water is amazing therapy for me. I love being in the water and Swimming with SEA TURTLES is my absolute own dream.


I would love to go scuba diving, particularly with manta rays. I am also interested in learning underwater photography


I want to experience first-hand what I spent so many hours reading about as a child


I want to check out the Great Barrier Reef in Australia one day.


I know to swim....Give a snrkel to a kid, she imagines scuba-diving. Gotta see the depths for myself!


I was always scared of deep water. I want to do something against this fear


Scared of the ocean and sharks, but would love to scuba


Maybe in The Maldives/ Underwater sculpture park in cancun


My brother completing scuba school in the military


The ocean is a beautiful and mysterious place. I would like to be able to view the natural beauty of it


I want to see underwater wolrd first hand and experince something amazing!


Boyfriend is a diver, so naturally I'm going to try that.


I love to see the fish and the beautiful ocean


love the idea of seeing whats actually on the sea bed


I love the water and animals so it's a great mixture.


I have fear for the deep sea. I hate swimming but I really wish I could dive. So, I hope I'd go scuba diving and tackle my fear.


I've always wanted to go scuba diving. marine life fascinates me :)
