Before I die I want to...
Go To Space

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177 buckaroos have listed 'Go To Space' as one of their life goals:

Something about weightlessness looks fun and a necessary experience


I have always been in love with space since I was young. Seeing all these people going to space has inspired me to do the same. I am 14 now, but hope to get to space before my 44th birthday in 2050.


if i go to space that might help solve the mystery of this dream i keep having


I want to go to space and see the earth!


Another one of those 'are we alone in the universe' sort of goals. To break earths atmosphere and travel to or beyond her gravitational pull.


I want to make an impact in science history


Who doesn't want to go to space!


Thanks to Sir Richard Branson, this may actually become a reasonable possibility.
