Before I die I want to...
Go Bungee Jumping.

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869 buckaroos have listed 'Go Bungee Jumping.' as one of their life goals:

Bungee jumping to became an adrenaline addict


I want to enjoy life in this scary but exiting experiance


I was initially going to avoid this, but then I thought about dying and never having experienced this... So on the list it goes.


Have to experience the adrenaline rushing on your veins while facing the heights


Rush of Adrenaline and sense of achievement after that


I want to bring people along on my adventure to do things everyone dreams of doing.


I want to overcome my fear of heights


Another thing that I have always wanted to do!


the thrill and the adrenaline flow.....


I have a fear of heights and need to concur this


Looks like so much fun but pretty scary. Would be amazing to overcome that fear!


Go bungee jumping because it's like a roller coaster it's just a thrill.


Go bungee jumping before I'm 30.


I want to bungee jump, in the safest, yet most fun possible environment.


Bungee jump with my eyes closed


to prove to myself i can do it.


its a part of the adrenaline that I am looking for in life again!


I want to face my fears and have fun while I'm doing it.


I've always liked the idea of testing gravity. Bungee jumping just seems like a good way to test gravity and defy it (hopefully).


It seems extremely scary but I want to face my fears and live life to the fullest.


Before I die I want to go bungee jumping. It may not be as big as a feat as sky diving but I want to do it.


I want to step up and do extreme things.


every since i saw yes man i wanted to go bungee jumping.


I want to go bungee jumping on the sapphire in Las Vegas, Nevada.


I want to go bungee jumping because of a video I saw on youtube. The pure rush of it entertains me.


It seems like it would be a really fun thing to do.


I would like to go bungee jumping because it will be awesome but scary!


Apparently its even scarier than skydiving!


I love the feeling of fear RUSHING through my body.


i wanted to overcome my fear of heights.


I am not too sure I will be able to do it as I do get a little scared when up high but we'll see!


the exhilarating fall and just letting it all go


Just something I've kinda always wanted to try . . . maybe. I've done a dive devil thing at an amusement park where you're in the harness and they pull you up and you pull the rip cord and swing back and forth, but that's different.


2011 while Honeymooning in Queenstown, NZ


I am a very competitive person and I have always welcome challenges.I always think that I could overcome things that most people never liked to do. It gives me a sense of fulfillment to be able to succeed in doing extreme activities such as Bungee Jumping.
