I did this. I did this with my friend Christian Exoo when I was in college at Harvard. We did this at least in front of the co-op where I lived in college - at 3 Sacramento St. in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Dance in the rain until soaking wet!
I've always loved the rain, and the experience I always imagined was very rejuvenating.
i love to read book and almost every book has it so i want to experience it
Dance with someone in the rain
Always in the movies they do it so why not I do it.
It would feel so good and be so much fun.
its happened many times but we were practicing for a debut to "Can I Have This Dance" with Hillary Agulto, when it began to rain and we felt it was perfect to dance underneath it.
Dance in the pouring rain without caring how I look.
I have always wanted to get caught in the rain...and while I am there i might as well dance!!!