Before I die I want to...
Fall In Love And Get Married.

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702 buckaroos have listed 'Fall In Love And Get Married.' as one of their life goals:

Wanna be married and happy in love


I want to fall in love and get married. Find my someone and live everyday with them


~Andrew & Amy!!!~ Together since January 2020, engaged in August 2021, self-solemnized in August 2022, and married in October 2023~!!! <3


i've never been in a relationship and to fall in love with someone is a life goal. i'll get someone who truly and clearly understand me. someone who can make me happy and i can make happy. someone i'm comfortable with. someone i can have fun with. someone i can learn from.


I want to get married and fall in love


I want to have a boyfriend and then get married


Because I want someone to spend time with... >_<


Always wanted to meet a special someone to spend my life with.


I still believe in finding love for myself. I want to marry and amazing guy who is my best friend. May continue my search through online dating.


i realized i don't wanna be single for the rest of my life :))


Who doesn't want to fall in love and get married??


I don't want to die alone, but hopefully one day I'll find my special someone, fall in love and get married.


Love is pretty rare..i want to expirence it at least once


To fully experience a whole life I want to share it with my soulmate and enjoy its wonders together. Support each other and make each other better people. Inspire each other and love each other unconditionally with no fear and no holding back. Forever.


I've always wanted to meet the love of my life and just someone to fall in love with everyday. I've never been in love and I've never had a serious relationship before and I'm one of those girls who plan out their wedding when their like 3 because I've always wanted my one.


I want to find the man God has chosen for me and spend the rest of my life with him!


I want to fall in Love, make a boyfriend and get married


it is just that these films lure me into fantasies about love.. wedding.. and the after life.


Nothing like TRUE LOVE!! My first marriage didn't last long. I want to find a forever partner and find the happiness that only that special someone can give you.


just want to do what I haven't done.


Have a lot of love in my heart for someone special. Was burnt very badly....twice, but I'm not giving up.


I have always wanted to be married to the girl I love. It is very important to me. I am in love right now and plan on marrying her.


I've focused on my sister, my mom, and my daughter who will be graduating from high school next year; I realize it's time to sow love outside of my family


I would like to fall in love and get married and my marriage to last forever!..


i would love to find a woman and get married


To love someone who loves you back.. Have several kids and live in a big house. And the most important: To be happy


I Know the best thing to do on this earth is to get married and have kids, God called us women to have and take care of our family, I know married life and having kids wont be easy but its always been what I've wanted to do, and through God I want to try and be the best wife and mother I can be.


I think I've found the one and I just want to make it official


No one gets married these days really, I have 2 kids and don't like my chances as it'd have to be someone very special but I'd like a big day!!


I am a 26 year old single mother of a nine year old. It has always been my dream to have a two parent household.


With the right person. That is a very important detail.


to name a star called olivia murphy xx


Want to find the one for me. the one special and for whom I am special.. a life full of joyful,sweet,funny,awesome and not so awesome moments with her. :) the love of my life.


find that person I want to start a life/family with
