Before I die I want to...
Get Fit

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103 buckaroos have listed 'Get Fit' as one of their life goals:

Get me fit and strong physically.


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I want to get very fit because I want my muscles to take care of my body and feel extremely healthy and confident when I go shopping everything seems easier when you are fit


I want to get fit because I spend most of the day sitting. Im 19 and i already have pain in my hips, neck and back. I'm also getting overweight even tho it's not a problem.. Yet. I would Love to get help with tips on diets, I usually have no problem with change and can change my diet pretty easily. Any tips would be appriciated. My height is 1.90 m and I Wright 95 kilos.


Get fit, never give up on myself, live healthy for ever, die of natural causes not because I soiled my body


I need to improve my lifestyle and get healthier
