Before I die I want to...
Go To Africa

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205 buckaroos have listed 'Go To Africa' as one of their life goals:

I stayed in a 6 person tiny bunk hut in the jungle for 8 days. It was barely a tent and I woke up several days with the biggest spiders I had ever seen just looking me in the face. I was in such great zen that it didn't even phase me at the time, but the sounds of the rain and jungle creatures were really would made it the experience of a lifetime.


I took advice from my English teacher and she told me Africa has a good mountain to climb so I would like to visit there. I would want to take care of kids and people there. I would like to go see wildlife on a jeep and look at the animals. I would also play soccer there just like Mexico, Brazil, and other places I want to go.


·Feed the lions ·Build water wells ·Help as many people as I can ·Dance


My parents visited Malawi in 2008 and their stories of their experiences were inspirational


I would love to see the animal safari there and also the beautiful nature...


I want to go to africa and feed a lion


Always wanted to go on a mission here. The people are amazing.


i want to go there once i become a pediatrician and help them survive.


Ive been so blessed with life and i just want to give back.


I've wanted to go to Africa since I was young, there's something special that really draws me to it.




I've wanted to go to Africa since I was a child.


I have always always always wanted to go to Africa.
