Before I die I want to...
Write A Song

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360 buckaroos have listed 'Write A Song' as one of their life goals:

I've done this before; I used to write songs for radio shows that my sister and I recorded on cassette tapes when I was in my childhood; I also wrote a couple rap songs growing up


I’d like to make a song and see how it goes


I want to be able to write a song and have it be sung by somebody established in the entertainment industry


I have always been lyrical and rhyme and no matter what I'm talking about or whatever always turns into a song or a rhyme. And since something significant has happened in my life I'd like to write a poem or a song to dedicate to this person. For they had to close their eyes forever in order for mine to be open.


Write a song and publish it to spotify etc.


I want to create something (art in specific)


I want to write a song because I want to sing it.


For my son if I never get to sing to him again


I want to write a song that I can one day play on ukulele or guitar. I nearly wrote an entire song when I was in 10th grade but I cannot find the paper! I don't know about recording myself singing but I would do the best I can.


Write a full length album or EP. Played electric guitar for 7 years. Influences: Jakub Zytecki, Plini, Aaron Marshall, David Maxim Micic, August Burns Red, For Giants, The Contortionist, Scale the Summit, Sithu Aye, Silent Planet, Chon, BTBM.


write and perform a song by my self


Just one good song is all I ask for. This is probably going to be really difficult, but whether its just for fun, for a friend or born out of a strong experience I want to write one good song and either perform it myself or have a friend who can actually sing perform it


Started one years ago, but never got past the words/melody.


Not anything wild, or fame fetching...just to write a song that means something to at least one person in the world.


listening to taylor swift , it just seems really fun have alot of great experiences for songs and i can think of lyrics easy n the shower but when it comes to paper i cant think of anything :(


I would love to do music and lyrics for a song. Maybe one for the band I am wanting to form :)
