Before I die I want to...
Marry The Love Of My Life

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123 buckaroos have listed 'Marry The Love Of My Life' as one of their life goals:

meeting the love of my life; we plan to get married in the future; it is Viktoria Villanyi


In hopefully either a beach or wintery-themed wedding,I want to marry my boyfriend one day, who I absolutely adore. He brings out the best in me; trusts, respects me and ultimately makes me feel happy, safe and loved.


Who doesn't want to fall in love and have someone to share your life with so I am no different than everyone else and want to marry the love of my life


Marry the person i fell in love with


As of now I have been dating my boyfriend who I love for about 2 years. I eventually want to marry him and live happily ever after.


Marry someone who enjoys the things I do and respects me as an individual.


We love each other deeply and passionately. (I love him more;] )
