Before I die I want to...
Go To Alaska

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333 buckaroos have listed 'Go To Alaska' as one of their life goals:

My favourite state in the world. But...I've never been. Need to go for longer period of time to find out if I truly want to retire there.


There is no where in the world like it and it is changing fast.


I think Alaska is a beautiful. I would love to visit the variety of wildlife they have there and experience the lifestyle and nature it holds.


Want to get out of the city/town and try in the middle of now where.


I had to make a stupid bucket list


Part of my 50 states plan part of the northern lights


I love snow and I love nature. Alaska is the best of it all!


I want to go on a cruise and I want to see a place that is pristine. I can kill two birds with one stone.


See the USA's greatest frontier.


I've always loved the thought of going to Alaska. I've been in love with the idea of Alaska for a few years now.


Beauty, maybe hunting, would love to experience the continuous darkness/light for a few days...
