Before I die I want to...
Quit Smoking

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120 buckaroos have listed 'Quit Smoking' as one of their life goals:

I have been a smoker since I was 16 and it would make me very happy to quit. I will feel healthier and more attractive if I live a smoke-free life.


I hate what smoking does to my skin and health. I want to have beautiful skin and not always have nasty breath. I also want to save money so that I can travel more.


I really want to stop this habbit/adiction, it makes me cough al the time, smells bad and costs a lot of money


Being free from addiction and improving my health


to stay healthy and I want to have kids as well as live longer


Quit smoking cigarettes for good and become healthy not only in my body but also my mind. I will start believing in myself and know that i can tackle this head on. Looking forward to a new life :)


I want so bad to quit smoking,43 years is long enough. I no longer enjoy it. Maybe it will somehow inspire my children to quit as well.


My kids don't like it, it is expensive, and it would be so much better for my health to quit.


I've smoked for 30 years. I am soon to be 40. I've quit twice in order to have my children, but started back soon after they were born. I can't seem to quit again. I would like to for my health and not to mention the expense.
