Before I die I want to...
Help Someone Fulfill A Bucket List Goal

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300 buckaroos have listed 'Help Someone Fulfill A Bucket List Goal' as one of their life goals:

My name is Susan Brown, I'm 52 years old and I'm in a skilled nursing center recovering after surgery - chest tube from a collapsed line and I'm also diagnosed with end stage cirrhosis and end stage liver cancer. At the moment I'm bad reading but I can walk with assistance, I'm trying to get stronger every day and every day I can do more and more. I have a lot of issues I'm dealing with on my own due to the fact my husband is in prison because he got behind on his probation payments and not expected to get out until sometime next year and the rest of my family is deceased or don't know where they're at. Due to all these issues which I will discuss in private upon request I've got an immense amount of stress and this should be a time in my life that is peaceful and Serene and happy as it can be. I expect to go on hospice within next week so I can at least be comfortable but there are some things that are heavy on my mind that I would love to just get away from everything such as travel a little and I really want to go fishing. I'm a country girl I love animals, I've lost all my pets with the exception of my bulldog bit my boss is keeping and I haven't seen him in like 3 months, I love to be outdoors and I love to work which I can't do any of these things and that adds to my stress not to mention the fact that I have no income I'm trying to get on SSI on disability at this time but it takes time. If anyone could help me in any way I would feel truly blessed and I would love to try to pay it forward in some way. I take nothing for granted I'm humble and I thank God every day for the little that I do have. God bless everyone out there


I would like to help someone else


Because it feels good to help someone else.


I know how much it can mean to people. I want to help if possible.


If I can help I certainly will!


Alexandr in Russia made aliyah to Israel with my help.


Been trying to help a dear friend fulfill his list "Walk to Remember" style but he wasn't having it.


Feel as though I have somehow positively contributed to the world.


You have one life to live...Everyone needs a Bucket List...Everyone can reach their goal...and when it's all said and done...SMILE!!!!! about all your accomplishments!
