Before I die I want to...
Donate Blood

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1810 buckaroos have listed 'Donate Blood' as one of their life goals:

honestly I have been scared to donate my blood, but I want to so I can possibly help others.


I did this. I did this in high school. I did this becauese I thought it was good for my health.


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I haven't donated blood yet because I've always been underweight, but now that I'm of normal weight, I haven't stopped getting tattoos or piercings for more than six months, lolll. And I need at least a year until I can donate! So one day I need to do it!


I have a very rare blood type and would like to help those who need it.


So very little effort to help others.


A small way to help safe a life


I want to do something that can save a life.


ive had 2 blood transfusions and Id like to give back


I m so grateful to be healthy and would like to give back, hoping it can help someone.


Atleat to donate blood once in a year


This is a personal goal for me centered around my health. I have high blood pressure with numbers that are equal to those who have heart attacks or strokes. Before I was aware of this, I tried donate blood in 2015 but I was told I could not with my numbers being so high and that I should go to a hospital. For the past few years I have been struggling with severe depression and axiety. I do my best to eat has healthy as I can given my extremely low income so the main culprit is stress. Everytime my family argues with me or people try to start problems and I get upset or hurt my left arm starts tingling and my face starts to go numb indicating that my blood pressure is rising and that I need to try and calm myself immediately. I have no health insurance and things will likely remain that way for a few years due to my income and the US health care system. This is one of my most important bucket list goals because it means I will be at a healthy stage of my life again and that is very important to me.


Donate Blood for people who need it.


Donate blood, because my dad does it.


I want to donate my blood to help others.


I am scared of needles and giving blood. But I would love to over come my fear and give blood.


Donate blood! I was given donated blood as a neonate....I've got it in me!


I used to be able to give blood, but then I got poor health and they wouldn't take my blood, b/c of all the medicine in it.


giving such a little thing and saving many lives


By donating blood it will save other people.


My dad had a fall and lost 1/3 of his blood. To think it was strangers who donated their blood that saved him, I just want to be able to help another family that was in our situation.


It feels good to help others :D


I'm already an organ donor and I want to help people in need.


I'm scared of needles but I want to give blood and help as best as I can.


I'm always up for helping others. I donate blood and I am donating my organs when I die.


before I get the tattoo obviously.


My best mate has Thalasemia which means she requires a blood transfusion every month. For years I tried to donate blood and they always said no cos I wasn't heavy enough at 48kg. Im a bit heavier now that ive had kids and stopped smoking so maybe I can now?


I want to help others! To donate blood is a good way though..!


If something so small can help someone else in such a big way - why not? :)


I would love to donate blood to help anyone who needs my blood type and I have never done it.


Car accident victims need 50+ units of blood.


Hopefully to help save someones life.


My sister did it and she said that it was a really good thing to do




it combines my fears of blood and needles.. but I want to overcome these!


i first have to defeat my eating disorder to be able donating blood, so this is a huge thing for me


everyone who is able should at least once.


The "Ideas" page plus watching movies.


For each month that I lived and live.


I think its a selfish thing to do that would save someones life


Donate blood at the local red blood cross center.


Many friends have donated blood, it's my turn!


I think it will feel good knowing I coud save someone.


I think it will feel good to know my blood could mean life or death to someone.


I want to give something to people who needs it. And who knows when I myself is in need of blood?


It will be a great experience, and I'd love to help others. I also hope I'll do it more than once.


the moment I know how not to be scared of needles...


In the hope to help someone who needs it.


I hate needles, but civic duty means that I did this when I could.


This is my own small way of helping save people's lives.
