BucketList Buckaroo |
Sansa_Banana's Bucket List

Before I die I want to...
Pay For Our House And Move To Vancouver With The Whole Family

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It would be nice to pay for out house now. and Take the whole family to Vancouver or somewhere warmer than Edmonton. I can still be an architect over there and my husband can do his dream IT job because we will own a smaller house that we can pay for right away with the money we earn by selling our mortgage free house at the time in Edmonton. I will shop there because its closer to the border and own a small convertible red m3. My son will move with us if he likes but get his own place if necessary. He is always welcome in our home.. him and his sibling to be. :) I will still make cakes and sell them as my hobby. My husband and I will go to the border every three months just because... and just the two of us. We will buy all the purses and gadgets we can afford and come home to our parents who are looking after our kids :) I will shop for my mom and dad and shop for my inlaws too. :) BC is the place to be! warm enough yet still in Canada to keep our health benefits going. @Sansa_Banana

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