Before I die I want to...
Spend Money

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161 buckaroos have listed 'Spend Money' as one of their life goals:

It is hard to live realizing that you owe someone


enough money to make it in life


Make £100 or more on vinted and save it


I want to have as much money to leave for my family to help them living their best life after I die


I want to become financially secure, so my loved ones and I no longer have to worry about the next payment. I want to live my life freely without the constraints of monetary insecurity to chain me (or my loved ones) down. I was security.


Working towards buying my dream house Do not want to rely on parents


I want to earn 10 million dollars in a year by the time I'm 30, and I want to make this money doing something that I love


The trip may be the one thing I don't get to do. I have two kids and am on Social Security Disability and can't cover medical bills let alone a trip. My dream is to find a way to make it happen: One amazing trip full of memories for my kids.


my goal is finding a job abroad in software engineering and settle there and earn 100 grand a year in 2 years


Am just sick and tired of working from 9 to 5 with someone telling me what to do and give the credit of your work to others who don't deserve it.




My goal is to help my family out from poverty


Save all my money and spend it when in need.


Anyhow, Earn 12000 rs before 12 December i.e. 267 rs per day


I feel like this would be a comfortable amount to live on for both myself & Krystal to share. We would be able to have a decent home to call our own, a car & to go on holidays & also be able to afford to invest in ourselves & to invest in things we enjoy doing as well as pay for things we need to live on & for our health including relaxation for our mental health.


you need money to be success, as bad as it sounds its true
