Watch The Superbowl - Done!

How did it go down?

I used to do this when I was younger.

Did you get help or have company along the way?

I think I often watched the game with other people. I think I went to a Super Bowl party once, too. It was at my Aunt Carol Brown and Uncle Pat Brown's neighborhood in Exton, PA, a suburb of Philadelphia, PA. I went to their friends'/neighbors' house with my cousins. I had four cousins in this family: Timothy Brown, Kevin Brown, Brian Brown, and Cindy Brown.

What made it possible? Any advice?

cable; I advise watching it and having fun; the commercials are great, and if you don't like it, you can watch The Puppy Bowl; it's fun to watch the game with other people, so I recommend that; and, going to a Super Bowl party is a barrel of laughs; the food at Super Bowl parties is always great - take-out and junk-food, usually pizza
