Before I die I want to...
Go On A Hot Air Balloon Ride

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392 buckaroos have listed 'Go On A Hot Air Balloon Ride' as one of their life goals:

I can't believe i still haven't!!


Even though I used to be afraid of heights, I am pretty inspired by going on a hot air balloon ride because everything around you becomes way more clear and you can see a lot from up there! It's pretty magical if you ask me, especially with wind blowing in your hair.


The view would amazing from up there.


Watch the aerial view below me as I'm getting farther from the ground to get the perspective of how small we are and how all is actually interconnected. I would like to have this experience and enjoy the view from up there.


When I was in my middle school I started to read Jules Verne's book , and one of my favorite ones was "5 weeks in a ballon" so I've always wanted to see how it is like.


To see the world from above, to overcome fear of heights

@MissJaze21 cost: $200.00 per person


Have always wanted to take my dad up in one.


I wanna see how the world looks like from above :))


Definitely up there as one of the most romantic things I could do with my husband. :)


I live in Albuquerque with the largest Balloon Fiesta in the US; however, I have never been in a hot air balloon.


Well, because it's got a kind of romantic appeal to me. Pathetic, I know hahaha, but I guess I'm a sucker for things like that.


We used to chase hot air balloons when I was little but I have never ridden in one.


at sunset.. to admire everything form above


would be a fucking amazing experience. Of course I'd want to be high as well - makes the experience more intense


Height terrify me so I really want to push myself.


I just watch a hot air balloon show this February and from that moment I said to myself, 'Hey, I wanna fly too!'
