Before I die I want to...
Learn How To Cook

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92 buckaroos have listed 'Learn How To Cook' as one of their life goals:

At least your favorite dish, you can't serve cornflakes to your wife on your anniversary dinner daaah!!


I want to learn to cook so that I can be healthier and be excited about cooking


Im very conscious of my lack of ability to cook but think if I can perfect around 10 dishes I will be very happy.


I cannot cook at all, i think it would be amazing if i could cook delicious meals for every one to enjoy.


As long as I could remember, food, music and laughter always brought family together. Knowing how to cook and sharing that trait that is part of our family history. There are receipes handed down from generation to generation that are just as valuable as the photo that went along with it. Love to see a receipe in Grandma's handwriting and looked as if it has been through several taste testings.
